Some of you are obliged to pay their taxe fonciere online if the amount is above 600 euro. You do not need to create a personal account or get onto your personal tax customer account.

You simply go to and click on “espace particulier” on top right corner:

Then you click on « payer en ligne” in green at the bottom left:

Then all you have to do is enter the reference number of your “avis d’imposition taxe fonciere”

First it asks for the “numéro fiscal”, then you click on “continuer” and the next page ask you to enter the reference de l’avis. Those 2 numbers are on the first page of the taxe fonciere.

The next page asks you to enter your bank details for payment.

So, no need to create an account or anything else. It’s really simple!!

Contact us !

In order to discuss and meet your need as best as possible, feel free to contact us with a mail, phone call... We can also schedule a meeting in one of our four agencies... Or directly to your home !