You have been living in France for more than 5 years:
Your situation: | Documents you need : |
You already have or had a carte or titre de séjour (even expired) | Your carte or titre de séjour even if expired |
I never had a carte or titre de séjour |
If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there |
You have been living in France for less than 5 years:
You are working in France |
If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there
Proof of your income so latest “avis d’imposition”, income tax bill. |
You are not working |
NB: Proof of income is not necessary if you are just retired after having worked the last 12Months in France. In this case, you only need your titre de pension. |
You are studying in France |
You are married, pacsed or a partner to a French citizen |
You are looking for a job |
Note that there is nothing on the site for British people married to European citizens such as Irish or Spanish. But I would imagine it is the same as being married to a French citizen. So why not try this. Alternatively, on the last page of the site when you apply, there is a comment box at the end so if you are married to a European citizen, do mention it.
Contact us !
In order to discuss and meet your need as best as possible, feel free to contact us with a mail, phone call... We can also schedule a meeting in one of our four agencies... Or directly to your home !