You have been living in France for more than 5 years:

Your situation: Documents you need :
You already have or had a carte or titre de séjour (even expired) Your carte or titre de séjour even if expired
I never had a carte or titre de séjour
  1. Your passport (valid)
  2. A proof of when you arrived in France to live: Rental agreement or house insurance contract or attestation from the house insurance company or Avis d’imposition (income tax bill) or a document from CPAM showing your acceptance into the French health system or any other documents which can prove your installation in France.
  3. Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020.

If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there

You have been living in France for less than 5 years:

You are working in France
  1. Your valid passport
  2. Your carte or titre de séjour if you have one (even if expired)
  3. Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020.

If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there

  1. An attestation from your employer (work contract or letter from employer) or Document showing your Siret number if you are self-employed.

Proof of your income so latest “avis d’imposition”, income tax bill.

You are not working
  1. Your valid passport
  2. Your carte or titre de séjour if you have one (even if expired)
  3. Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020. If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there
  4. Proof of income: Avis d’imposition or bank statement or pension statement or any other document proving you have enough income to live in France.
  5. Proof you are under the French health system (attestation de droit which you can download from or proof of private health insurance.

NB: Proof of income is not necessary if you are just retired after having worked the last 12Months in France. In this case, you only need your titre de pension.

You are studying in France
  • Your valid passport
  • Your carte or titre de séjour if you have one (even if expired)
  • Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020. If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there
  • A proof from the school or University that you are studying there
  • An Attestation stating you are attending regularly or your latest marks or diplomas.
You are married, pacsed or a partner to a French citizen
  • Your valid passport
  • Your carte or titre de séjour if you have one (even if expired)
  • Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020. If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there
  • Marriage certificate or Pacs agreement or proof of partnership (attestation from partner and 2 documents, one from when you started dating and one now showing utility bills on both names.
  • ID of spouse or partner
You are looking for a job
  1. Your valid passport
  2. Your carte or titre de séjour if you have one (even if expired)
  3. Proof of residency in 2020: Utility bill (gas, water, electricity, or telephone), rental agreement or taxe d’habitation or any other document proving you now live in France in 2020. If you live in someone else’s address: An attestation signed by them stating that you live there with a copy of his ID with proof of address of the person who lets you live there.
  4. A proof less than 3 Months old that you are registered with Pole Emploi.
  5. A proof that you have worked previously in France (pay slip, siret number document, etc)

Note that there is nothing on the site for British people married to European citizens such as Irish or Spanish. But I would imagine it is the same as being married to a French citizen. So why not try this. Alternatively, on the last page of the site when you apply, there is a comment box at the end so if you are married to a European citizen, do mention it.

Contact us !

In order to discuss and meet your need as best as possible, feel free to contact us with a mail, phone call... We can also schedule a meeting in one of our four agencies... Or directly to your home !