There are so many different sorts of social help in France that it is impossible to know them all. Some of them are a direct financial help towards bills (money or vouchers) or some others are material help like someone helping you at home or even a discount on general bills.
All of them are subject to conditions either revenues, physical (handicap, age, etc), family structure (number of children, widow, etc.) or type of project (housing in a big town). It’s so complicated that it is estimated that 30% of people entitled to help do not ask for it.
Here are two useful web sites: and that can help you get the forms and conditions for social help. They also include simulators to see if you meet the requirement to get help.
Dispositif « J’apprends à nager » gratuitement, Coupon sport ANCV (Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances), Aide au permis de conduire, Bourses sur critères sociaux (BCS), Aide au mérite, Allocation pour la diversité dans la fonction publique, Aide à la mobilité internationale, Aide ponctuelle d’urgence, Aide à la mobilité en Master 1, Aide aux vacances familiales (VACAF),Chèque vacances ANCV (Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances), Aide coiffure à domicile, Aide pédicure à domicile, Aide portage de repas à domicile, Aide téléalarme, Exemption de redevance télévision, Tarifs modulés des cantines scolaires, Tarifs modulés des colonies de vacances, Tarifs modulés des transports publics (gratuité retraité à Paris sous condition),Tarif musées fonction de l’âge, Pass culture pour les jeunes, Tarif réduit Vélib (jeunes, chômeurs, non imposables), Habitation loyer modérée (HLM), Exonération de taxe foncière (titulaires ASPA, ASI), Péréquation entre organismes HLM, Exonération taxe habitation en fonction des revenus, Subventions Rénovation urbaine, Aide personnelle au logement–locatif (APL) – HLM et logement privé, Aide personnelle au logement pour les deux parents (garde alternée), Aide personnelle au logement – accession à la propriété, Cession de terrains et logements publics aux HLM à prix réduit, TVA réduite pour les constructions HLM, Exonération taxe foncière pour les HLM (20 ans), Prêt CDC aux organismes HLM à taux réduit, Quota logements sociaux dans les nouveaux immeubles, Prêt à taux zéro, Fonds de solidarité logement (FSL), Louer abordable (réduction d’impôts), Louer solidaire, Prestation logement famille, Prestation logement famille monoparentale, Prestation logement famille locataire un enfant, Paris logement, Paris logement handicapés, Aide à l’amélioration de l’habitat pour les familles, Aide à l’Installation dans un Logement pour les Etudiants (A.I.L.E), Habitation publique à loyer intermédiaire, Chèque énergie, Crédit d’impôts économie d’énergie (CITE), Distribution ampoules gratuites, Subventions Habiter mieux (ANAH), Aide aux factures d’eau, Certificats économie d’énergie (CEE), Assurance maladie obligatoire, CMU Couverture maladie universelle, CMU-C Couverture maladie complémentaire, ACS Aide à la complémentaire santé, AME Aide médicale d’État, Gratuité de l’assurance maladie étudiante, Exonération IR/charges sur la cotisation complémentaire santé responsables, Subvention à la MSA, Retraites minimum (CNAV, Fonctions publiques…), Allocation de solidarité aux personnes âgées (ASPA), Bonification retraite fonction du nombre d’enfants, Prise en charge des cotisations retraites en cas de chômage, Avantage retraite mère de famille (durée), Retraite de réversion, Retraite anticipée « services actifs », Retraite anticipée « carrières longues », Quotient familial (enfants), Conjugalisation impôt sur le revenu, Allocations familiales sous condition de ressources, Prime naissance sous condition de ressource, Allocation de base de présence parentale, Allocation de soutien familial, Complément familial (plus de 3 enfants), Prestation partagée d’éducation de l’enfant (PréParE), Complément de libre choix du mode de garde (CMG), Prime de rentrée scolaire, Prime de Noël, Allocation adulte handicapé, Allocation vieillesse parent au foyer (AVPF), Complément familial majoré pour les familles les plus pauvres, Allocation de soutien familial pour les familles monoparentales, Aide pour la garde d’enfants pour les familles monoparentales, Bonus achat automobile, Intercommunalités et Communes – Dotation d’intercommunalité, Intercommunalités et Communes – Fonds de péréquation des ressources (FPIC), Communes – Dotation de solidarité urbaine et de cohésion sociale (DSU), Communes – Dotation de solidarité rurale (DSR), Communes – Dotation nationale de péréquation (DNP), Département – Dotation de fonctionnement minimal (DFM), Département – Dotation de péréquation urbaine (DPU), Département – Fonds de péréquation des ressources (droits de mutation), Département – Fonds de péréquation des ressources (cotisation valeur ajoutée), Département – Fonds de péréquation des ressources (Ile de France- FSDRIF), Département – Fonds de solidarité en faveur des départements, Communes – Fonds de péréquation départementale de la taxe professionnelle (FDPTP), Régions – Dotations de péréquation des régions, Régions – Fonds de péréquation horizontal des ressources régionales, Subventions aux associations d’insertion, Zones franches, Emplois aidés : Parcours emploi compétence, Emplois francs, Classes CP à 12 élèves, Écoles seconde chance, Zones d’éducation prioritaires (ZEP), Zones d’éducation prioritaire renforcées (ZEP+), Zones REP, Zone REP+, Revenu solidarité active (RSA) socle, Revenu minimum d’insertion (RSA-RMI), Revenu solidarité active jeunes (RSA jeunes), Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA) à domicile, Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA) en établissement, Aide sociale à l’hébergement (ASH), Aide à l’accueil chez des particuliers, Aides ménagères et auxiliaires de vie, Allocation compensatrice pour tierce personne (ACTP), Prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH), Affectation de volontaires du Service civique, Accueil de jour, Dotation de fonctionnement minimale, Dotation de péréquation urbaine, Dotation d’intercommunalité, Dotation de solidarité urbaine et de cohésion sociale, Dotation de solidarité rurale, Dotation nationale de péréquation, Fonds départemental de péréquation de la taxe professionnelle, Fonds national de péréquation des ressources intercommunales et communales, Fonds de péréquation des DMTO, Fonds CVAE des départements, Fonds de péréquation des ressources des régions, Fonds de solidarité des départements de la région d’Ile-de-France, Fonds de solidarité des départements pour 2014, Subventions aux associations ciblées (ex. Restos du cœur, Emmaüs…), Subventions aux établissements d’aide par le travail (ESAT), Exonération de charges sociales pour les bas salaires, Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA), Allocation supplémentaire d’invalidité (ASI), Aides communales aux projets agricoles, Aides régionales aux projets agricoles, Enfants confiés à l’Aide sociale à l’enfance, Actions éducatives à domicile (AED), Actions éducatives en milieu ouvert (AEMO), Contrats d’insertion, Revenus de solidarité outre-mer (RSO), Niche fiscale outrer mer, Subventions départementales à la création de crèches, Subventions départementales à la création d’établissement d’accueil jeunes enfants, Aide à l’acquisition d’équipement ménager (CAF), Aide au renouvellement d’équipement ménager (CAF), Aide sociale caisse retraite (CNAV), Aide sociale caisse retraite (MSA), Aide sociale caisse retraite (ARRCO-AGIRC), Action sociale IRCANTEC, Action sociale CNRACL, Action sociale retraités fonctionnaires d’État, Action sociale retraités IEG, Action sociale retraités SNCF, Action sociale retraités mineurs (charbon fer…), Allocation de solidarité spécifique (ASS), Allocation équivalent retraite (AER), Prime transitoire de solidarité (PTS), Prime forfaitaire mensuelle (PFM), Prime forfaitaire Pôle emploi (reprise d’activité), Carte SNCF Famille nombreuse, Billet congé annuel SNCF, Accès gratuit (jeunes) aux musées et monuments, Chèque vacances CAF ou employeur, Aide individuelle à l’achat de matériel (AIA), Aide individuelle à la création (AIC), Prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH), Allocation éducation enfant handicapé (AEEH), Complément à l’allocation éducation enfant handicapé (CAEEH), Allocation veuvage (AV), Allocation familiale pour le maintien à domicile d’un partent âgé, Prise en charge des frais d’intervention d’une aide à domicile, Prise en charge des frais d’accueil en foyer restaurant, Aides aux familles en cas de chute brutale de ressources, Allocation financière d’accompagnement, Allocation financière exceptionnelle, Aide à l’amélioration de l’habitat pour les familles ayant un ou N enfants handicapés, La carte enfant+, Prises en charge des affections longues durées, Aide à la mobilité Pôle emploi (frais de déplacement, repas, hébergement), Aide mobilité pour les apprentis (repas, hébergement), Aide équipement professionnel pour les apprentis, Fonds social pour les apprentis, Financement du permis B pour les apprentis.
Help available for families with children:
Allocations Familiales: An amount of money is given to people who have more than 2 children less than 20 years old (any income so even if you are rich). The amount depends on income, number of children and their ages. The amount is given Monthly.
Allocation/Prime de Rentrée scolaire: This is to help parents with the cost of school equipment at the end of August. The amount you get depends on the age of the children (between 6 and 18). Only for people with income lower than a certain amount depending also on number of children.
Prime de Noël: Financial help for people on low income and with children for Xmas.

Prime de naissance: People get it when their baby is born. The amount you get is 944.51€. Pour 2019, it is only for couple earning less than 41840 euro per year. If you have twins, it’s doubled!! You must ask for it via a form with your GP when you are pregnant.
Aide à la garde d’enfant: Financial help to pay for professionals looking after a child or children of less than 6-year-old. You must have a job! Because if you don’t work, you can look after your own child!! The amount depends on your income.
Allocation de soutien familiale: This is a financial help for single parent who can not get help from the other parent.
Aide aux vacances familiales: Financial help for holidays during school holiday!! For people on low income. Holidays only in France in camping site and centre registered with CAF (Government organisation for social help). So, sadly, not the Carlton in Cannes!!
Catalogue VACAF: That is the booklet showing you all the sites where you can go on holiday where the help will be accepted.
Accès à la Cantine: Financial help to help pay for the school dinners. For people on low income.
Carte de famille nombreuse: This is a card for families with 3 or more children which entitles discount on trains and with certain partners of the program (leisure centre or attraction park).
Soins dentaire gratuits: Free dental check-up for children between 6 and 18 years old and pregnant women. Program « MT Dents ».
Pension alimentaire non payé: Help from CAF to recover the amount not paid by the other parents. Basically, if the father or mother is not paying their share on the amount due, CAF has the power to take it directly from their salary or other income.
Bourse pour les lycéens et collegiens: Financial help for parents of children who go to Lycée or/and Collége (between 11 and 18). For people on low income. Amount depends on number of children and income.
Help available for people on low income:
Aide medical de l’état AME and Complementaire Santé Solidaire CSS : This replaces ACS and CMU-C which is free health top up or financial help towards a top up. To check if you can get it, go to
RSA: This is the “revenue de solidarité active”. You must be at least 25 years old and on low income. To check if you are entitled to it go to
RSA pour les Jeunes: Same as above but for people below 25 years old.
Prime d’activité: This is a Monthly bonus (around 90 euro) given to people who work (employed or self-employed). Depends on their income (between 0.5 and 1.5 times minimum wage). Same go to to apply or see if you can get it.
La Garantie Jeune: Financial help for people between 18 and 25 who don’t live at their parent’s house and do not work.
Cheque Energie: This is a cheque between 48 and 277 euro given to low income people to help pay for electricity or heating. This is sent to you automatically; you do not apply. It is linked to your income tax form.
Aide financières au paiement des factures d’eau: If you can not pay your water bill, you can ask for help via or through the CCAS (centre communale d’action sociale- ask your mairie).
Les aide Loca-Pass : This is a temporary free interest loan (25 month max) to help people pay for the deposit and first rent on their new rented accommodation. Contact “Action Logement” for it.
Les aides de la CAF: Those are financial help to pay towards your accommodation whether you are renting or owning the property. You must be on low income. 3 types of help exists: APL (Allocation Personnalisée au logement) , AFL (Allocation de Logement Familiale) et ALS (Allocation de Logement Sociale).
Aide au paiement du téléphone et internet: Reduction towards your bill for internet and telephone. You have to contact Caf or your internet provider directly for this.
Help available for disabled people:
- l’APA (allocation personnalisée d’autonomie) à domicile, This is a financial help for people who are somehow disabled. There are no conditions apart from being over 60 years old and have a degree of loss of physical autonomy (level GIR 1, 2, 3 or 4). The financial help is to pay for expenses that help you stay at home like improving the house for wheelchairs, having people cleaning the house or bringing food around, etc.
- les aides à l’adaptation au logement ; This is a financial help given by ANAH to help you improve your house so you can stay at home without difficulties. The type of work is like installing a lift in the staircase, improving the light, installing a walk in shower, etc. ANAH can take up to 50% of the cost of the work. Depends on your income.

- les aides pour installer une téléassistance ; This is a medaillon that you carry around your neck and can press in case you fall over and can’t get up anymore (not because you are drunk!!). You can ask your mairie on how to get it. If you are on low income you can get financial help to pay the yearly subscription.
- L’allocation adulte Handicapé AAH: This is a minimum income given if you are at least 80% disabled (or have a disability that prevents you from working) and between 20 and 60 years old without any income or on very low income.
- Le complement de resource de l’AAH: is another financial help to complement the above but you can only get it if you get the AAH.
- La Prestation de compensation du Handicap PCH: Personalised financial help if you have a disability that prevents you from doing one major day to day activity (like cleaning yourself, etc). You must be less than 75 years old. If over, you can get APA.
- La carte de stationnement: This is the blue disabled badge to get you the closest parking places. This is valid in all EU countries. You can get it from this web site: . Basically, put the department number after mdph. So 16 for Charente.
- les aides extralégales des mairies ou des conseils départementaux ; These are extra financial helps given by your Mairie or Department officials to help pay for the teleassistance, or meals on wheels but also other expenses related to handicap. This help depends on which commune you live in and your income.
Help available for elderly people:
- l’APA (allocation personnalisée d’autonomie) à domicile, This is a financial help for people who are somehow disabled. There are no conditions apart from being over 60 years old and have a degree of loss of physical autonomy (level GIR 1, 2, 3 or 4). The financial help is to pay for expenses that help you stay at home like improving the house for wheelchairs, having people cleaning the house or bringing food around, etc.
- l‘aide-ménagère à domicile ; This is to get a cleaner. You must be over 65 years old, needing help to clean your house, not benefiting from APA, earning less than 869 euro per Month of you are single or 1348 euro per Month if you are a couple.
- l’aide au logement, financial help to pay the rent. Depends on income, through CAF.
- les aides à l’adaptation au logement ; This is a financial help given by ANAH to help you improve your house so you can stay at home without difficulties. The type of work is like installing a lift in the staircase, improving the light, installing a walk in shower, etc. ANAH can take up to 50% of the cost of the work. Depends on your income.
- les aides pour installer une téléassistance ; This is a medaillon that you carry around your neck and can press in case you fall over and can’t get up anymore (not because you are drunk!!). You can ask your mairie on how to get it. If you are on low income you can get financial help to pay the yearly subscription.
- les aides fiscales pour l’aide à domicile; This is the tax credit you get if you employ someone at home to help you clean or prepare your food. You get 50% of the expenses back either in tax reduction if you pay income tax or money back as a tax credit. Simply enter the amount in the right box on the tax form. NO, you can’t declare it if you paid the gardener on the black!
- les aides extralégales des mairies ou des conseils départementaux ; These are extra financial help given by your Mairie or Department officials to help pay for the teleassistance, or meals on wheels but also other expenses related to handicap. This help depends on which commune you live in and your income.
- Help from Top up insurance: Yes, most of them actually include help from after you leave hospital. With Allianz, if you have been hospitalised more than 3 days, you can get 9 hours of free cleaning, or organise someone to look after your pets, or have someone to look after you and help with meals, pay for teleassistance,etc. You need to contact Allianz Assistance directly on 01 40 25 58 61. With Allianz, you also get 15 hours of free cleaning in case of cancer (Chimio or radiotherapy). To see all the things you are entitled to, check the section called “garantie assistance” on the Dispositions generales of your contract. That is the booklet that came alongside your contract.
- Help to pay for top up health insurance: Actually, this help is not just for the elderly but anybody on low income. You can either get CMU-C which is a top up for free or ACS which is a financial help towards a top up. For 2019, the income had to be lower than 8951€ per year for a single and 13426€ for a couple for CMUC and 12084€ for a single person and 18126€ for a couple for ACS. Note that if you own your own (no mortgage) or get help to pay towards your rent, you have to add 67€ per Month for a single person or 117€ per Month for a couple on top of your revenues. Go to web site and you can find a simulator to check if you are entitled to it.
If you want information on how to get any of those, please visit the appropriate web site at the beginning of this article. You can also make an appointment with an “assistante sociale”, social worker. You can make this appointment via your Mairie. The social worker is here to help you fill in the appropriate forms to get help but also tell you what help you can get.
Contact us !
In order to discuss and meet your need as best as possible, feel free to contact us with a mail, phone call... We can also schedule a meeting in one of our four agencies... Or directly to your home !