When you connect, you come to this welcome page. On it you can download your “attestation de droit”. To do that simply click on “attestation de droit” in the middle of the page.

This thing then pop up and you can click on the document to download it. Simply click on “telecharger mon attestation de droit” and a pdf document opens. This attestation de droit is necessary if they are some reimbursement problems with your top up insurance. It helps unlock the problem!!

If you had problems with reimbursement, your top up will also need to have your CPAM statements of reimbursements so they can top them up. You need to download them not do a copy of screen.

On the welcome page, click on “mes paiements” and click on “mes relevés mensuels” which are your Monthly statements. You can then download each Months that is necessary by simply clicking on the blue icon on the right.

But there are loads of more things you can do like order a new carte vitale if yours is lost, stolen or stop working. Click on “mes demarches” at the top middle and a long list appears.

You can also order a CEAM card (European Health insurance card), change your address or bank details, ask for financial help on CMUC, add your child onto your health, etc…

Contact us !

In order to discuss and meet your need as best as possible, feel free to contact us with a mail, phone call... We can also schedule a meeting in one of our four agencies... Or directly to your home !