At last, Allianz has just come up with a new product to insure jewellery, bikes, golf clubs, hearing aids, etc that would have not usually been insured outside the house otherwise!!

  • Musical instruments: This is to cover musical instruments and their equipements such as cables, cases,etc) whether they are yours or rented for no more than a year from a school or a teacher.

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion,

action of electricity caused by lightning or power surges (as long as equipment is less than 5 years old)

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-Scratches, blistering, paint deteriorations, stains, modification of sound if they are the only damages.

-The theft or damages limited to strings, bow hair, keys and string stretcher.

-Theft when the instrument is left in a performance room unless there is a special locker room.

-Theft if the instrument is left in a car or a place not locked.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the instrument with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Other wise it is value given by the assessor.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Bikes: It is bikes and electric bikes as long as they can be identified with a serial number.

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion,

action of electricity caused by lightning or power surges (as long as equipment is less than 5 years old)

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism under special requirement of security which are: bikes must be kept in a place locked by a key (no padlock) between 10pm and 7am. Any other time, it must be locked via a chain to a fixed post (security level U certified SRA). Non respect to this means the reimbursement is only 50% of what it would have been.

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-Scratches, blistering, paint deteriorations, stains if they are the only damages.

-The theft or damages limited to tyres or equipment which don’t need a tool to take off the bike.

-Damages cause during an official competition.

-Damages when the bike was used for delivery or professional use.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the bike with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise it is valued less 1% per Month old with a cap of 60%.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Sport and camping materials: It is any sport equipment or camping material such as golf clubs, horse riding equipment, fishing, diving, surf, etc…

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion,

action of electricity caused by lightning or power surges (as long as equipment is less than 5 years old)

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car.

-Shoes and clothes

-Flying materials

-Equipement with an engine.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise it is valued less 6% per year old with a cap of 60%.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Photo, sono, video and IT materials: It is It equipment such as computers, scanners, printers, keyboard, etc, tablets, cameras, videos, sound systems, accessories.

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion,

action of electricity caused by lightning or power surges (as long as equipment is less than 5 years old)

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-Mobile phones


-Loss of content (hardrive content for instance or photos)

-Theft when the equipement is left in a performance room unless there is a special locker room.

-The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise, it is valued less 1% per Month old with a cap of 60%.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Jewellery: It is jewellery and watches. Maximum 6 items and value maximum 20 000 euro per contract.

It garanties damages caused by:

a fire, explosion, lighting strike

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism under special requirement of security which are kept in a safe sealed (not if above 100KG) when the house is unattended or if you have a house insurance with Allianz, security level 4 and above which is a full door with 5 lock bolt or armoured door with 3 lock bolt or full door with 3 lock bolts + video security agreed by Allianz. If the security is not met, the reimbursement is caped at 5000 euro. If you can’t meet the security requirement, best to have them insured under your house insurance contract for when they are left inside the house.

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car unlocked. Unless it is a theft with aggression.

-Theft or damages when it happens during a stay in a hotel, rented property, camping, cruise or organised trip. However, it is covered if left in the hotel room in a safe or room locked.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise, it is value given by the assessor.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Luggages: Luggages and their content

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion, lightning strike

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:


-damages caused by liquid or caustic material kept in the luggages

-Money, cheques, credit cards


-Breakage of fragile objects

The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car unlocked. Unless it was under supervision of a transporter.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise, it is valued less 6% per year old with a cap of 60%.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Wine cave It is wine, spirits but also barricks and their content, material to put wine in bottles and electric wine racks.

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion

Electricity to wine racks

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism as long as you have the same security as per the jewellery above. Otherwise the reimbursed is reduced by 50%.

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

-Wine or liquid going off unless it is due to one of the above garanties

-wear and tear of the wine rack

The theft or damages when the bottle is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car unlocked.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise, it is value given by the assessor.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Self sufficiency equipment: It is hearing aids except implants, wheel chairs, crutches, zymoframes, protheses and ortheses, optical material for blindness. This equipment either belongs to you or you are renting it from medical professionals

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire or explosion

action of electricity caused by lightning or power surges (as long as equipment is less than 5 years old)

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car unlocked.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise it is valued less 6% per year old with a cap of 60%.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

  • Weapons: it is firearms, bow, crossbow and their cases

It garanties damages caused by :

a fire, explosion or lightning strike

natural or technological disaster


theft, attempted theft or vandalism

Any other accidental event

It does not cover:

The munitions, arrows, etc

weapons not protected following French law regarding their safety

scratches if it is the only damage

The theft or damages when the equipment is left unattended or in a place unlocked or in a car unattended.

How is it reimbursed:

-You must provide the proof of value of the object with an invoice or expert evaluation.

-If less than one year old, it is reimbursed new for old. Otherwise, it is the value given by the assessor.

-If it is damaged, it is the cost of the repair without exceeding the value.

Note that there is a 10% excess.

General exclusions:


-Theft or attempted theft by a member of your family

-Damages caused by you intentionally

-Damages covered by the guarantee of the manufacturer

-Breakdown, or internal damages cause by manufacturer default

-Damages cause by wear and tear

-Damages cause by an IT virus

-Damages caused by someone else than you (if object was borrowed by someone else).

-Damages caused by War

Exemples of cost:

1 Electric bike purchased new at 2 000 euro: 215.54 per year

1 hearing aid purchased new at 2 000 euro: 41.66 euro per year

1 Rolex watch purchased new at 10 000 euro: 317.18 euro per year

Golf clubs purchased new at 1000 euro: 38.42 euro per year.

1 Violin purchased new at 5 000 euro: 123.74 euro per year.

Conclusion: This is a great product as long as you understand the limit of the garanties (especially for jewellery with the special security measure you need to have in place in the house). And remember loss is never covered in France.