Protection Insurance

Protection Insurance

SICK PAY SELF-EMPLOYED INSURANCE   This article is mainly directed at Artisans, Commerçants and people who work for themselves, who moan all the time about having to pay their cotisations to URSSAF!! Well, I can’t please everyone all the time! I found out the...
Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Most of us insure our house, cars but not often do we think of what will happen to our closest ones if we die. Life insurance contracts are made for that. So, here is what you can get with the Allianz Prevoyance contract: Death insurance: Well, that is the main...
Road traffic Accident: What to do!

Road traffic Accident: What to do!

Although it is not the funniest thing to talk about, you must know what to do in case of a car accident. It is better to look at it when you are calm and composed instead than finding out what to do after an accident when you stressed out and shocked. If you have an...
Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Now that we are all (almost) vaccinated, and frontiers are opened again, why not look at going away again and enjoy travelling and holidays!! But before you go, you better make sure you look at how you can be covered in case of emergencies!! So, here is all you need...