Les Soldes

Les Soldes

The Soldes happens twice a year in France and the dates are decided by the prefet( chief of police) of each department after consulting with shop owners. The only product allowed to be sold at reduce price (even below cost) are the ones that have been on sale for more...
Help in preparing your death

Help in preparing your death

In case of your death, your family will need to know what property you have and where it is. Having the following information will help them and save worry and uncertainty. So, feel free to print this page and fill in the relevant information and keep it somewhere...


The Canelé is a mini cake that originated from Bordeaux and is now the official specialty of Bordeaux (with red wine of course!!). Nobody knows when it was first created and by who!! It was very fashoinable in the 1930ies but almost disappeared after the second world...
Be vigilant with Fraud

Be vigilant with Fraud

Allianz like many other compagnys is victim of Fraud. So we are asking you to help us fight it. Criminals can try to use our logo to get access to informations in oder to steal money!! If you think you have been victim of a fraud which involved a fake message you...
Rule of urbanisme

Rule of urbanisme

Now most of you are renovating your houses in France but are you fully aware of the rules and yes, paperwork that goes along with it!! Those forms are to make sure that the work you do is OK and conformed to the rules of your commune (town or village). So the forms...